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What Is Microneedling Facial?

Microneedling Facial is a cosmetic procedure aimed at addressing various skin concerns by stimulating collagen production. This procedure involves creating small punctures on the skin to promote the natural healing process, resulting in a more youthful appearance. Microneedling is commonly used to reduce the presence of acne scars and stretch marks, making it an effective treatment option. Some refer to microneedling as collagen induction therapy because it stimulates collagen production and cell turnover by using fine medical-grade needles that penetrate the dermis. These punctures trigger the body's natural healing response, leading to the formation of new collagen and elastin, which helps improve the skin's texture and quality. Multiple sessions are necessary to activate the body's repair process effectively. Following the initial treatments, maintenance sessions may be required to sustain collagen and elastin levels and address any new imperfections that may arise.

How Does Microneedling Facial Work?

  1. Prior to undergoing microneedling, it is crucial to schedule a consultation with a medical esthetician consultation serves as an opportunity for the healthcare provider to assess your skin condition, review your medical history, and discuss your desired outcomes for the procedure. To optimize the results of microneedling, your healthcare provider might suggest applying vitamin A or C cream to your skin approximately one month before the treatment. These creams can help stimulate collagen production and enhance the overall effectiveness of the microneedling procedure. By following these recommendations, you can better prepare your skin for the treatment and maximize the potential benefits.

  2. Prior to the procedure, your medical esthetician will take steps to prepare your skin. This involves cleansing the area that will be treated to ensure it is free from any dirt or oils. Following the cleansing process, a numbing cream, such as lidocaine gel, will be applied to the skin. This numbing cream is typically applied around 30 to 45 minutes before the procedure, allowing enough time for it to take effect and minimize any discomfort you may experience during the microneedling treatment. The application of the numbing cream aims to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure.

  3. Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure that involves creating controlled wounds in the skin using a hand-held roller or electric tool with small needles. The length of the needles used can range from 0.025 to 2 millimeters. Your healthcare provider will carefully roll the device over your skin in a slow and gentle manner during the procedure. As the needles puncture the skin, you may experience sensations of warmth or scratching on your face. These sensations are normal and expected during microneedling, and they indicate that the treatment is effectively stimulating the skin.

  4. Microneedling can cause minimal bleeding and discomfort, particularly in bony areas like the cheekbones. The duration of the procedure can vary depending on the treatment area, typically lasting anywhere from 15 minutes to a few hours.

Microneedling is a non-invasive procedure that beautifies the skin and you can go home right after. Expect redness and swelling for up to five days. Applying an ice pack can help with the discomfort. You can wear makeup the next day but protect your skin from the sun until it fully heals.

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